2016년 7월 28일 목요일

Large Assembly Management


디스플레이 품질을 감소시킴으로써 대형 어셈블리 성능을 향상하는 방법

Set the following config.pro options with the recommended value:

blended_transparencynoTransparent colors will appear using alpha blending or not when the model is shaded
displaywireframeWireframe - All solid edges in white
display_silhouette_edges noSets the display of silhouette edges or wireframe display only
edge_display_qualitylowControl display quality of an edge for wireframe and hidden-line removal
fasthlryesSpecifies whether fast hidden line removal is on/off by default
fast_highlightyesUse simplified highlighting which redisplays more quickly at the expense of certain details
lods_enablednoDetermines whether or not the system uses Level of Detail in shaded models during dynamic orientation (panning, zooming and spinning)
open_simplified_rep_by_defaultyesRetrieves a model in specified representation. Yes - uses Open Rep dialog
retain_display_memoryyesDetermines if the display of an object currently on the screen is kept in memory when you quit the window
save_model_displayshading_lowSets amount of graphical data stored
shade_quality1 Model shade quality is used to decide how much to subdivide surfaces for shading purposed. This option is added starting at Wildfire 5.0
skip_small_surfacesyesGives the user the option not to display small shaded surfaces
tangent_edge_displaynoDetermines how edges between tangent surfaces are displayed
use_new_shaded_views_layersnoThis option is added starting at Wildfire 5.0
enable_opengl_fbonoThis option is added starting at Creo Parametric 2.0
enable_opengl_vbonoThis option is added starting at Creo Parametric 2.0
enable_opengl_shadernoThis option is added starting at Creo Parametric 2.0

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